The weekly grief is a literary letter from Tokyo, written by me, Thu-Huong Ha. I write essays, criticism, features, and fiction, and I am currently the culture critic for The Japan Times. Here I am on instagram.

Despite the title, the weekly grief is sent monthly. (In 2022, it was biweekly, and in 2023, I sent one per season.) Common themes have included: mountains and weather; language learning; expatriation; Asian and American identities; seasons and change; locating the normal in cultural oddities and finding the odd in cultural norms; moving, seeking, losing; real and imaginary places.

If any of these appeal to you, please subscribe. Don’t miss a grief.

“And yet that night we walked nonstop, at top speed…our pace never slackening, while in occasionally unintelligible English the Mexican reeled off a story that I had trouble following, a story of lost poets and lost magazines and works no one ever had ever heard of, in the middle of a landscape that might have been California or Arizona or some Mexican region bordering those states, a real or imaginary place, bleached by the sun and lost in the past, forgotten, or at least no longer of the slightest importance here, in Paris, in the 1970s. A story from the edge of civilization, I said. And he said yes, yes, I guess so, yes.” — Roberto Bolaño, Savage Detectives

“My current concerns were, needless to say, all about cracker packets.” — Kikuko Tsumura, There’s No Such Thing as an Easy Job

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a literary letter from Tokyo
